The Bolon's Traditional House of The Batak Tribal

    The bolons' home is the batak tribal home of northern Sumatra. These houses of up to five feet (1.7 m) used to house the Kings. But with the changing times, these houses were built mostly for batak people. The bolons' customary house was a still-shaped house, intended to allow the underside of the house to be used for the preservation of animals such as a chicken or a goat. Particularly characteristic in the form of stilts, access to the traditional house requires stairs. The staircase leading to this house was in the middle of the building, with the intention that if a visitor entered he had to duck in honor of his mother. Every traditional home has a few facts that many people are unaware of. These facts have value and trust for communities, including batak tribal homes. 
Here is an explanation of this bolon house of northern Sumatra:

1. The dwelling of Kings The royal residence of the bolons was once the royal residence. There were 14 Kings who once occupied the bolon house, such as king pangultop ultop, king of ranjinman, king of nanggaraja, king of batiran, king of bakkaraja, king barmau, king of bona batu, king of the moon, king of atian, king of the moon, king raondop, king of rahalim, king karel, and mogang king who was the last of the bolon house. 

2. More than just a home The bolon house was a customary house that served the same function as other residences. However, these batak customs have other functions besides home. In tapanuli's region, the bolone's house functions as the owner's social status. 

3. Are of varying kinds A bolon house is not just one kind. The batak clan had a variety of bolon houses, ranging from the bolon toba house, the simalungun bolon house, the bolon karo home, the mandone bowling house, the bolon pakpak house, to the bolon house angkola. Each type of bolon house certainly has its own characteristic. 

4. Has decorative designations Each bolon house had a distinctive distinction. Houses with various decorations and engravings were called gorga sarimwait. Meanwhile, the unadorned house is called jabu ereng or jabu batara by noon. 

5. Has a basic wooden material If modern houses are currently built with cement, baton, and so forth, a bolon house is built using, wood. The lodges are made of a quality wood, enabling the house to stand firmly. 


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