Marionettes are born, live, grow, grow mainly in javan communities. More than a mere show, wayang (puppet) used to be a cultural outlet for the spiritual spirits of the gods. The term "wayang" (puppet) itself comes from the word "ma hyang," which refers to the spirituality of the power. But there are also those who say "wayang" (puppet) come from shadow (shadow/shadow) on screen.
Wayang (puppet), made of buffalo skin, are believed to be the embryos of many of the current marionettes. He is played out by a mastermind; To a musical recording that a band of nayaga (gamewarers) and an instrument performed by the artists. Every part in the wayang (puppet) play had a symbol and a strong philosophical significance. Especially in the context of content, the wayside always teaches noble piety, love and respect for one another, while sometimes included social criticism and humorous roles
Wayang (puppet) no longer belong exclusively to the palace circle. Islamic preachers in Java brought wayang (puppet) to the grassroots communities. They also changed puppet shapes to conform with islamic teachings and the aim of the dakwah. Some of the islamic preacher were also expert puppeteers. The most famous is the sunan kalijaga.
Although marionettes now appear in a variety of faces, the show remains enchanting and sustainable. Each type of show has an admirer. People from distant lands have even been willing to come to Indonesia to study history and leather forms for their country to go on with.
Marionettes are born, grow up, live
in Indonesia, then spread to every corner of the world. It is not wrong for the
United Nations agency for education, learning, and culture (UNESCO) to set a
skin wayang (puppet) as a world cultural heritage from Indonesia.
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